
Library Workspaces

The Harrison Libraries have a variety of spaces for classes, group study, and for listening and viewing audio/visual materials. Some rooms are available first-come, first-served, and some may be reserved in advance.

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The Harrison Libraries have four rooms that are primarily used for classes, workshops, and staff meetings. They are all available for advance reservation.

Woods Classroom—Mortensen Library

Student using computers in the library

Capacity: 35. Includes lab computers, projector, and more. Available for classes and meetings by reserving through Mortensen Reference (860.768.4142).

More about the Woods Classroom

Student using computers in the library

KF Room—Mortensen Library

KF room including tables, chairs, and podium

Capacity: 49. Includes projector, DVD/VCR, and more. Available for classes and meetings by reserving through Mortensen Reference (860.768.4142).

More about the KF Room

KF room including tables, chairs, and podium

Large Seminar Room—Allen Library

Allen large seminar room with projector, display screen, podium, keyboard, and seating

Capacity: 20. Includes projector, listening/viewing equipment, and more. Contact Mike Anderson to reserve the room or use it first-come, first-served when not reserved.

More about the Large Seminar Room

Allen large seminar room with projector, display screen, podium, keyboard, and seating

Small Seminar Room—Allen Library

Allen small seminar room with table and display screen

Capacity: 8. Includes display monitor, listening/viewing equipment, and more. Contact Mike Anderson to reserve the room or use it first-come, first-served when not reserved.

More about the Small Seminar Room

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Allen small seminar room with table and display screen

Group Study Spaces

The Harrison Libraries have several private rooms for group study, as well as collaborative workstations in the main areas of the building.

Collaboration Units

Students working at a 5-person collaboration table in the library.

Available first-come, first served.
Type 1: Large screen monitor and table for five
Type 2: Wide curved monitor and seats for three
Type 3: Very large screen monitor

More about Collaboration Units

Curriculum Lab

Curriculum lab with table, smart screen, podium, and educational materials

Contains instructional materials, children’s literature, kits, and more. Includes whiteboard, projector, and Smart Podium. Mostly available first-come, first-served, but may be reserved by Education Department faculty.

More about the Curriculum Lab

Study Rooms 306, 309, and 310

Room 309 with table, chairs, display screen, and whiteboard

Rooms have tables and chairs, but different equipment. Available first-come, first-served for small groups. Sign out a key from the Mortensen circulation desk.

More about Rooms 306, 309, and 310

Study Rooms 311-314

Inside view of room 311 with computer and chairs

Rooms include large screen monitor, two keyboards, and two mice. Available first-come, first-served for small groups. Sign out a key from the Mortensen circulation desk.

More about Rooms 311-314

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Listening/Viewing Rooms

Allen listening/viewing room

Located in the Allen Library, on lower level. Equipped for laptop connection, Bluetooth, CD, DVD, Blu-ray, VHS, LP record, and more. Mostly available first-come, first-served, but instructors may reserve by contacting Mike Anderson.

More about listening/viewing rooms

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Allen listening/viewing room